Tuesday, June 24, 2008

When You're Alone

It's scary.

When you have problems with your Maths1 questions,
and there's no one there for you to complain at,
for you to lend a shoulder to cry on,
and there's no one for you to help solve the problems.

It's hard.

Because you have to do the preparation for cooking,
the cooking, and the dishes.
and you have to take care of the rabbit,
wash his stupid smelly cage,
do the laundry,
hang the laundry.

It's depressing,

because the whole place is so quiet,
even though i tried talking to myself and the rabbit like a crazy person,
and tried singing like a mad hobo on the streets,
not caring what the neighbours think,
not like they can hear anyways.


What are friends for?

I'm glad you came over to help me till late at night with my maths,
I'm glad you bought 2 big bars of chocolate to give me endorphins,
I'm super glad that you constantly told me to be positive,
and wouldn't allow me to give up even though i wanted to.

I'm glad that you bought me Hungry Jacks because you knew i did not have dinner,
I'm glad you stayed together till 3 in the morning to help me kill my loneliness when i continue doing maths 2!
Thank you very much.

You know who you are.

I owe you big time,
I owe whoever is up there,
to have me met a friend like you.

And I'm also glad to have wonderful friends,
who told me not to worry when tears rolled down my face before going in the exam hall.
who hugged me real tight to try to make me stop crying.

I'm super glad to have such a wonderful cousin,
who so happened to call at the right moment,
even though she was at work,
just the moment when I was about to cry like a baby before leaving home.

And most of all,
I love my parents,
I made a call,
cried when I talked,
and I got messages from both of them,
telling me not to worry.

I guess,
being alone,
might be hard.
but it made me realise,
many things that I did not when I was not.

It's one of the days where I feel thankful again.

Thank you very much ShawShaw,
Thank you very much TiffyGoldfish, JoyJoy, Valerie
Thank you very much Che Lin,
Thank you papa and mummy.

I love the people who loves me.

so much.




(obligatory camwhore pic :P)


Because I'm in a maths frenzy,( having taking double maths subjects)
Thought this would be relevant. :)


I highly recommend you click on the site to see the lyrics on the info of the video.


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