Saturday, August 02, 2008

On A Fine Chilling Afternoon

We played basketball.
When we were done, I sat on the bench,
Chen Yi on the table,
we stared aimlessly at random things on the gardens.
I stared at the basketball court,
and it was all nostalgic,
the old times when I had back at home,
I had the urge to go home and never come back here,
I couldn't fathom why I felt the sudden pang of homesickness.
I turned to Chen Yi,
I said :" I think, I wanna go home, back to Malaysia."
and he replied with a sigh,
"Yeah, i think I wanna go home too."

Then we continued staring blankly at what we cherished at the moment most,
him looking at her,
me looking at the court, the ball, looking back at the memories.

1 comment:

Jes said...

That sucks..
But what the hell..
Its just a matter of time right?

Its FruStRaTIng.

But..the show must go on.