Wednesday, April 02, 2008

To Those Who Got Pranked...


I've never pranked someone so succesfully ever in my life before.

Thanks to Fei Ying and her wondrous prank idea.

But it also takes one helluva good actress to pull it off right?
Sorry la.. I'm taking drama wei.. must practice so can score with flying colours! :P

People who got fooled, you know who you are..

I'm going to put your names down anyways.
Because it's the holidays, i'm bored and i need these stalkers who're reading my blog who got fooled.

Peak Sheng a.k.a. Jon Jon
(he stunned for abit and then started laughing)
Chen Yi
(he went "har? april fool's ah? nothing happened is it? then let me watch my movie.") LOL
Yew Fai my bitch
(i forgotten what his reaction was cause i ended up talking to him on the phone for an hour. XD)
and last but not least,
(her reaction was the best, screaming like a madwoman with her friends around her.)

the reactions i got from each and everyone of you,
made my day,
holidays wasn't that bad after all.
Wish me luck in surviving the rest of my 2 week holidays.
I'm drowning myself with lots and lots of animes and Gossip Girls!

Your wonderful pranking friend, HanYi who loves you loads.

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