Monday, March 08, 2010

It was a good run

On May, it started,
peaked in August,
ended during a rainy day on March.

Gotta figure a way how to deal with this much time alone now.

Thank you,
for once being there for me,
loving me.
Mate, I'm sorry I drove you away.
But I can't apologise for me being who I am.
Just sorry you weren't the one who could take the whole of me in.

I'm tired, and burned out.

And I'm starting to think that I may be to crazy for anyone to handle in the long run.
Do they have people that can cope with me in the asylum?

And I've been thinking,
people were made better in pairs,
not in three's or four's.

I'll always be the one left out.

I'm okay.
I am.
I just suddenly had nothing to do,
alone at home,
so I think.
Which is what I don't want to do.

I should stop now.
I'm okay.

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